What is psychological safety?

What is psychological safety?

What we’re looking at this week…

Is your energy and appetite for things different on a weekday morning compared to a weekend?

This image, shared by The Marketing Millennials, did two important things for us. Firstly, it made us laugh and, secondly, we realized we have felt this way about jobs we’ve held in the past.

At I Am Here, we know that our mental health and wellbeing is supported by six pillars. One of these pillars is our Work and Career. It’s all about feeling fulfilled in what we do, regardless of our role and industry.

If this image reflects how you feel about your role, then it’s possible your Work and Career pillar needs some attention. The I Am Here Arena has numerous resources, including help and support, for all six of your pillars. If you don’t have access to the Arena, we can add it to your plan.


What we’re listening to this week…

How can we be our best selves and live our best lives?

Self-improvement starts with self-care. This graphic, from The Fabulous App, provides practical tips that we can all use. We were drawn to calling a friend. Human connection – our Social Wellbeing – is incredibly important to our overall mental health and wellbeing.

What’s your favorite suggestion from this graphic? Reach out to us on Twitter to let us know.


What we’re thinking about this week…

Does your Team tell you about their challenges?

This article, from Chief Learning Officer, suggests that comfort within the workplace relies on psychological safety. Psychological safety allows us to be our Real selves without fearing how others will view or think of us. Behaving with psychological safety is the ultimate display of trust.

Do you feel a culture of psychological safety within your workplace? It can only happen in environments where we look after and respect each other’s mental health and wellbeing. I Am Here can help you transform your workplace culture with our simple message that it’s ok not to feel ok; and it’s absolutely ok to ask for help.