What do we not talk about?

This week, we’re asking, “What do we not talk about?”

  • Loneliness?
  • Loss?
  • Misunderstandings?

Each of this week’s suggestions come back to these questions.

What are we watching this week?

Dive into the TED Talk, “The Science of Loneliness and Isolation,” by Robin Joy Meyers. Meyers, a molecular geneticist, unpacks loneliness in our world of instant connections, using her life experience to explore the issue. Meyers holds that through neuroplasticity, we can reshape our habits to combat isolation and loneliness.

Her talk is a reminder of our inherent value and of the importance of overcoming isolation and fear by showing our true selves. I Am Here invites you to watch the clip, reflect, and share your thoughts. How do Meyers’ strategies for tackling loneliness inspire you? What changes might you consider?

Watch the video (7-minute watch)


I Am Here recognises how important it is for people to hear the words ‘I Am Here.’ Visit the I Am Here Arena to learn more.

We invite you to comment and share your reactions on our Facebook, X, Instagram and LinkedIn pages.

What are we reading this week?

Do we find it easy to talk to someone who has lost someone they love? Has someone in our workplace, our neighborhood, or our social group lost a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, or neonatal tragedy? Do we talk about it?

Experiencing pregnancy or infant loss is devastating. It can also be difficult to know how to support someone after such as loss. This short piece offers guidance on how to help a loved one who is grieving the loss of a baby. The tips can be applied to any situation of loss.

I Am Here invites you to share your tips, your thoughts, and your reflections on the loss of a child or loved one. As an employer, do you recognise when an employee might be struggling after loss? As a Team Member, do you tell your Team Leader when you are facing challenges caused by grief?

Remember one of I Am Here’s key messages: Show you care. Ask the question. Call for help.

Read the article (6-minute read)

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What are your thoughts? We invite you to comment and share your reactions on our  Facebook, X, Instagram and LinkedIn pages.

Who are we quoting this week?

“Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and oftentimes we call a man cold, when he is only sad.”

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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Does this quotation speak to you? Have you been misunderstood? Or have you misunderstood someone else?

I Am Here offers help and support, enabling us develop the Courage, Confidence and Skills to be real with others and allow others be real with us.

Message us on Facebook, X, Instagram and LinkedIn pages.