Virtual Class: GMT

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  3. Virtual Class: GMT
Events at this venue

Europe – I Am Here: Become A Certified Tribe Member

Virtual Class: GMT
Virtual Event Virtual Event

By completing the class, you'll officially join the I Am Here global Tribe—a community of over 850,000 people committed to creating a world where it's ok not to feel ok; and it's absolutely ok to ask for help.

Europe – I Am Here: Become A Certified Ambassador

Virtual Class: GMT
Virtual Event Virtual Event

This one-hour virtual session is your next step in creating a culture where it's ok not to feel ok; and it’s absolutely ok to ask for help. As an I Am Here Ambassador, you'll gain the courage, confidence and skills to be a leader in fostering wellbeing in your community.

Europe – I Am Here: Become A Certified Tribe Member

Virtual Class: GMT
Virtual Event Virtual Event

By completing the class, you'll officially join the I Am Here global Tribe—a community of over 850,000 people committed to creating a world where it's ok not to feel ok; and it's absolutely ok to ask for help.

Europe – I Am Here: Become A Certified Ambassador

Virtual Class: GMT
Virtual Event Virtual Event

This one-hour virtual session is your next step in creating a culture where it's ok not to feel ok; and it’s absolutely ok to ask for help. As an I Am Here Ambassador, you'll gain the courage, confidence and skills to be a leader in fostering wellbeing in your community.

Europe – I Am Here: Become A Certified Tribe Member

Virtual Class: GMT
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Have you ever noticed someone not feeling ok and not known what to do or hesitated to say something? By completing the session, you'll officially join the I Am Here global Tribe - a community of over 850,000 people committed to creating a world where it's ok not to feel ok; and it's absolutely ok to ask for help.

Europe – I Am Here: Become A Certified Ambassador

Virtual Class: GMT
Virtual Event Virtual Event

This one-hour virtual session is your next step in creating a culture where it's ok not to feel ok; and it’s absolutely ok to ask for help. As an I Am Here Ambassador, you'll gain the courage, confidence and skills to be a leader in fostering wellbeing in your community.

Europe – I Am Here: Become A Certified Tribe Member

Virtual Class: GMT
Virtual Event Virtual Event

By completing the class, you'll officially join the I Am Here global Tribe—a community of over 850,000 people committed to creating a world where it's ok not to feel ok; and it's absolutely ok to ask for help.

Europe – I Am Here: Become A Certified Ambassador

Virtual Class: GMT
Virtual Event Virtual Event

This one-hour virtual session is your next step in creating a culture where it's ok not to feel ok; and it’s absolutely ok to ask for help. As an I Am Here Ambassador, you'll gain the courage, confidence and skills to be a leader in fostering wellbeing in your community.