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Have you ever felt broken-hearted?

Each week, Tuesday Trio serves up three tips to evoke reflection and improve our mental health and wellbeing. Come join us.

This week we’re asking, ‘Have you ever felt broken-hearted?

·         What does broken-hearted mean?

·         Do I recognize when others are broken-hearted?

·         How do I deal with heartbreak?

Being broken-hearted is a painful experience. It can be a real physical ache frequently experienced by way of chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea and loss of appetite. Being heartbroken is also an emotional ache; we feel sadness, anger, despair, guilt and loneliness. We might find it hard to sleep, or perhaps we sleep too much? However, we must remember that being heartbroken is a normal and natural response to loss. Although we can feel isolated and lonely through heartbreak, it is a common experience. We just need to allow ourselves to grieve and to feel our emotions. Over time, with support from those around us and with healthy coping mechanisms, we do heal.


What are we watching this week?

The following is a TED talk from psychologist Guy Winch based around the unique pain that is being broken-hearted. He addresses how our heartbreak impacts our mental health and wellbeing and that of those around us.

I Am Here found this valuable, as it reminds us how important it is to have compassion for and patience with those who are heartbroken. Healing can be a slow and a long process. However, his message is a hopeful one, assuring us and encouraging us that we do have the tools within us to finally heal.

Watch the video (12-minute watch)

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Did you watch the clip? We invite you to share your own thoughts with us on our FacebookTwitterInstagram or LinkedIn.

What are we reading this week?

‘The Practical Guide to Healing a Broken Heart’ is a piece written by Cindy Lamothe. Cindy talks about heartbreak for the universal experience that it is. She doesn’t confine it to the end of a romantic relationship, but as a central component to grief. It is an acknowledgement and a validation of how deep heartbreak can be. However, by its very essence, the piece is encouraging, as herein is a guide for us to mend.

Read the article [10-minute read]

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As always, please feel free to share your own thoughts and reflections on our FacebookTwitterInstagram or LinkedIn.


Who are we quoting this week?

‘You broke my heart… but I still love you with all the pieces.’

– Ella Harper

At I Am Here, we found this to be a powerful sentiment. Feeling heartbroken is a natural response to life events that denote loss, and loss can present itself in many varied and unexpected ways.

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If you have something to share with us, feel free to tweet us or find us on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn.

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