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What are we worth?

What are we looking at this week?

This week, we’re looking at… a bottle of water?

Brian Hallet, Founder and Chief Curiosity Alchemist at The BIG, uses a bottle of water to demonstrate how our value and worth can be seen differently. He suggests our environment might be a key factor. He encourages us to find a space where we are valued and respected.

That can be at work, at home, or someplace else. If the people and culture around you don’t uplift you, he encourages us to find something new, a space where we are respected and appreciated.

Do you feel that your worth is recognized? How can people let you know that you’re cherished? You can share your examples with us through our X account.

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What we’re watching this week…

Continuing the topic of feeling valued, are our expectations of work changing?

In this video, Zach Mercurio, PhD, says we’re reevaluating the cost of human dignity. We are setting new boundaries and demanding to be treated as human beings rather than human resources.

At I Am Here, we know that our mental health and wellbeing is supported by six pillars. This video speaks to two of them, Work and Career, which is about feeling fulfilled in our jobs, and Spiritual Wellbeing, which speaks to having purpose and meaning in our lives.

We have more information about the six pillars on the I Am Here Arena.

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What we’re quoting this week…

Within the world of mental health and wellbeing, true comfort stems from the profound approval we find within ourselves. To quote Mark Twain, “A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.”

At I Am Here, we strive to empower individuals on their journey to self-acceptance,, which includes self-approval, and inner peace. When you approve of yourself, true comfort follows.

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