
Surviving attempted suicide


What we're reading this week...

Last Friday, 10 September, was World Suicide Prevention Day. Throughout September, I Am Here is focusing on suicide intervention across all our activities.

You might wonder what may lead someone to consider suicide. It could be difficult to think about or rationalise.

This eye-opening piece by Today shares conversations with suicide attempt survivors to gain valuable insights into how they were feeling. Those interviewed bravely discuss the circumstances in which they found themselves and why they attempted suicide. It also asks how they feel about this period now, and whether they view life differently as a result.


What we’re looking at this week...

It’s crucial to Listen. In fact, Listening is one of I Am Here’s CLEAR skills. We believe that Listening involves using all our senses to take in someone’s body language and tone of voice, as well as their words.

This post by Listen to, reminds us why Listening is important. Letting the other person do 95% of the talking can make a huge difference when we’re reaching out to someone who might not be feeling ok.

How do you rate your Listening skills? Are you a great listener, or is it an area you need to work on? Let us know your thoughts on our social media pages.

What else are we reading this week…

Professor Wendy Suzuki from New York University shares six daily exercises she uses to build her mental strength and resilience. We particularly liked the idea of writing positive tweets about ourselves at the start and end of each day. It can help us focus on the positives instead of dwelling on the negatives.

Share your upbeat self-tweets with us on our Twitter page. Use the hashtag #upbeatTweet and we’ll retweet you!
