Our Impact

It’s ok not to feel ok; and it’s absolutely ok to ask for help.

Stories from Leaders

Alan O’Grady, Western Postform

Managing Director, Alan O’Grady shares with us why Western Postform decided to partner with I Am Here. Alan says “It’s the first time in 30 years that we’ve spoken about mental health and wellbeing among our staff and their families.” 

Vashti Knox, Super Retail Group

Vashti Knox, Super Retail Group | Why should organisations take wellbeing seriously?

What our Clients say

Our Impact - Case Study: Woolworths Group

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Woolworths Group (Australia) launched I Am Here with continuing results

Tribe Members

+ 60,000

Over 60,000 Team Members have completed the I Am Here: Tribe Members course.

+ 10,000


10,000 Team Members have signed up for the I Am Here: Ambassadors course.

+ 300%
Woolworths experienced a 300% increase in registrations on their wellbeing portal and a 3x increase in employee assistance utilisation.
Positive Impact
+ 300%
81% of Team Members claim that I Am Here has had a positive impact on their lives.

Stories from within the workplace

MSD Tribe Members and Ambassadors

Captured during the first launch day of I Am Here at the MSD premises in Ireland, Team Members welcome their new mental health and wellbeing partner.

Linda's Story | Fáilte Ireland

What having the confidence to guide someone in the right direction means to Linda.

Natalie's Story | Fáilte Ireland

Why Natalie thinks having an empathic work environment is vital.

See what I Am Here can do for you!