Getting a diagnosis as an adult

What we’re looking at this week…

How do you check whether you’re feeling ok?

Adam Morris has shared a graphic showing the daily indicators of mental fitness. As Adam says in his post, we accept that we can maintain our physical health by walking 10,000 steps, having a balanced diet, and getting enough sleep. We should be equally accepting of these similar measures for our mental health and wellbeing.


What we’re supporting this week…

Societal expectations and toxic masculinity can cause men to be less likely to discuss their mental health. Phrases like “Boys don’t cry” can be drummed into men from an early age.

Movember aims to shine a spotlight on men’s mental health by asking us to grow moustaches. The funds raised are used to fund projects focusing on mental health and wellbeing, suicide prevention, and testicular cancer.

What we’re reading this week…

Some people live with conditions, disabilities, or challenges for years before receiving a diagnosis or any help and support.

That was the case for Sara Gibbs, as shared in this article. She knew that people saw her as being different, yet she didn’t know why. When Sara was 30, she was diagnosed as being autistic, and suddenly it all made sense. This is a very personable, honest, and relatable read that may help both autism awareness and autism acceptance.
