Stories from Leaders

Alan O’Grady, Western Postform

Managing Director, Alan O’Grady shares with us why Western Postform decided to partner with I Am Here. Alan says “It’s the first time in 30 years that we’ve spoken about mental health and wellbeing among our staff and their families.” 

Aidan Greene, CEO, Core

Aidan Greene, CEO of Core explains the impact of partnering with I Am Here.

Vashti Knox, Super Retail Group

Vashti Knox, Head of Insurance & Claims at Super Retail Group is passionate about the difference a wellbeing strategy can make in the workplace. She tells us why organisations should take mental health and wellbeing seriously.

Stories from within the workplace

Sean’s Story | Infrabuild

Sean shares how I Am Here is changing work environments and culture for the better.

Linda's Story | Fáilte Ireland

What having the confidence to guide someone in the right direction means to Linda.

Natalie's Story | Fáilte Ireland

Why Natalie thinks having an empathic work environment is vital.

MSD Tribe Members and Ambassadors

Captured during the first launch day of I Am Here at the MSD premises in Ireland, Team Members welcome their new mental health and wellbeing partner.