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Does a better workplace culture actually improve productivity?

What are we Looking at this week?

Our mental health and wellbeing are supported by six pillars. One of these pillars is our Work and Career. So, let’s ask an important question: do you feel valued at work?

Leadership First shares a quote from Billy Chapata, which reminds us that job satisfaction is crucial. We spend a significant amount of time at work, so let’s make sure we’re valued and respected.

I Am Here wants to change the world; one compassionate connection at a time. Join the I Am Here Tribe to be part of this change.


What are we watching to this week?

Anyone can face a mental health or wellbeing challenge. Each and every one of us could find ourselves needing help or support.

That includes Ben Ogden, who decided to hold up a sign in Leeds Railway Station about his depression and how he was feeling. Watch this short clip, Mental health: Man’s train station sign aims to change lives, where he and a friend chat about how opening up helped them on their mental health and wellbeing journeys.

At I Am Here, we loved Ben’s bravery. He reaffirms how important it is to talk about our mental health and wellbeing. He tells us that just one conversation can change someone’s life.

Are you inspired by Ben’s courage?

Remember the message of I Am Here: It’s ok to not feel ok; and it’s absolutely ok to ask for help.


What we are reading this week?

When are we at our most productive? Is it when we’re under pressure to perform, or is it when we’re happy, healthy, and trusted?

This article, Proof That Positive Work Cultures Are More Productive, by Emma Seppälä, for the Harvard Business Review, says it’s the latter. She makes a strong case for improved workplace cultures that result in higher levels of productivity.

Visit the I Am Here Arena to see how I Am Here supports positive workplace cultures, where mental health and wellbeing are given importance.
